Commercial and Service Center. Park – Traffic Generator
The proposal for this open-air Life Style Center presents, as its centerpiece and directly connected to the main adjacent avenue, an elliptical park that defines the geometry of the intervention and aspires to become the new public square of the locality where important community events such as exhibitions, parades, and large concerts take place, making the park the first major traffic generator of the place, reversing the normal dynamic that defines only large department stores as major tensioners.
The project feeds on the always-present attractive force between centers and peripheries, favored by the fragmentation of the building that borders the park, thus favoring a dynamic connection with it that allows the environmental pole to participate in the commercial experience in the place.
Three large, deconstructed colonnades introduced in rectangular prisms operate as gate buildings proposed at the corners and most important points of pedestrian flow reception of the project.
The two proposed floors of commerce present terraces connected to the central park; these balconies operate as boxes for those who appreciate the scheduled water events, the concerts presented, or simply as terraces to contemplate the proposed landscaping in the place.
Towards the outside, the project proposes lively fronts generating open terraces contiguous to public gathering spaces such as food courts and restaurants that end up activating and revitalizing the facades of the project.